Friday 2 December 2011

Blog has to come with a bang again

Micro-blogging on social networking sites now becomes the order of the day

Blogging is a become an old hat now...
A prominent trend-tracking tool shows that blog searches around the globe have halved, while micro blogging  platforms like Twitter and Facebook have grown. Google Insights, which tracks search terms on Google search engine worldwide, shows a 50% decline for blogs since 2010 onwards. Celebrities such as Aamir Khan, Salman Khan and Ramgopal Verma haven't blogged for over six months.

The era has now changed as living in an era of short attention where even Hindi Movies have reduced to 2 hours, emails have become shorter and the books we read are becoming slimmer and faster to skim through. The move from blogging to micro blogging is just part of this larger trend.

Blogging gained popularity in the early 2000s where it required ideas to be bunched to make paragraphs. This is now becoming a history because micro blogging platforms offer a quicker and easier way of sharing thoughts, either as a few sentences or even mere fragments. Large scale businesses have also stopped maintaining blogs for their clients.

The ease factors in terms of feedback and comments has emerged as the biggest advantage for micro blogging sites. As compared to micro blogging sites, to post a comment on a blog one needs to log onto the host website, such as and signing up on, the popular blog host is a hassle. Also, to comment on a blog, one needs to enter name and email id.

The biggest advantage of BLOGS is the time stamp, that is, the world could know when a particluar update was posted.
Therefore, even at this stage in this competitive world where things are running and moving in micro seconds, blogs can still emerge as a powerful tool for awareness.
So, people get up and keep BLOGGING.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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