Saturday 8 October 2011

A Ray Of Hope

Deep into the green of the Forest,
I once walked down the lane of Greenery,
Where I realised the secret of Peace,
With so much of love between the bushes, flowers and birds.

I saw a flower in blossom,
Shining like its first day in bloom,
That was time when my eyes fell on you,
It was you shining among them,
You confronted my heart, making me come up to you.

Your sparkling innocence made me flow in the beauty of life,
Thus, keeping me away from all the worries and fears,
I sang and danced looking at you,
And spoke my heart all to you.

Tempted and pleased with all your courage and love,
With care and utmost wanting, I dug you up,
Planting you in the garden of my heart,
There you flourish, boom and shine.